
Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

What is an expander and what does it do?

An expander (Rapid Palatal Expander, or RPE) is a custom-made appliance used to widen the upper jaw, or palate. Expanders are recommended when the upper jaw is too narrow compared to the lower jaw. Often a narrow upper jaw leads to a crossbite, where the lower teeth are positioned outside of the upper teeth, this condition can be corrected with the expander. An added benefit, the RPE will create more space for crowded teeth.

How do I activate the expander?

When looking towards the roof of the mouth, you will see a hole in the middle of the appliance. It's easiest if you lay down and have someone to do it for you. Take the blue key in hand, straight side against your palm, and rotate the metal rod forward until it stops. Carefully insert the metal rod into the hole of the expander as shown in Fig. 1-2. Slowly push the key toward the back of the mouth until you feel the rotation stop. As you push the key backward, the metal rod will rotate toward the front of the mouth, the hole in the expander will rotate toward the back of the mouth, and a new hole will appear as shown in Fig. 3-4. Once the new hole is completely visible carefully push the key down and out to remove the metal rod from the hole. You now have completed one turn.

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How often and how many times do I need to activate the expander?

We recommend activating the expander at the same time everyday. If given the assignment to turn two times per day, you may do both at the same time or once in the morning and once at night.

If you lose the key to the expander, please call us or stop by one of our offices to get a new one.

What to expect

  • When the RPE is first placed there may be some difficulty with speaking and swallowing. Within a matter of hours swallowing will become much easier. It may take a few days to get used to speaking, and a slight lisp may continue throughout treatment.

  • Expect some pressure each time the RPE is activated. This pressure may be felt on the teeth as well as around the palate and in the nose that can sort of feel like a pre-sneeze. Sometimes the upper molars will feel sore while chewing. 

  • As the palate is widened a space will develop between the upper incisors. This is very normal and often will close up on its own over time.

  • Food will get trapped between the expander and the palate. This can be removed by swishing with water. Proper brushing of the teeth, gums, and the expander is very important. We also recommend swishing with listerine or any other antibacterial mouthwash to kill the bacteria that cause gingivitis.