Brushing and flossing


How to brush your teeth with braces: How to use a proxy brush with braces:

How to floss your teeth with braces:

The best way to ensure you will have a healthy smile after treatment is to brush and floss. Food can collect on your teeth and braces and that will eventually turn into plaque. Plaque is a sticky, thin film on the teeth that contains bacteria. This bacteria can later lead to gum disease and tooth decay. To avoid these problems while in treatment, take care of you teeth, gums, and braces to ensure you have a healthy smile at the end of treatment.


Use a soft-bristled toothbrush (used carefully, an electric toothbrush can work just as effectively) and fluoride toothpaste. When brushing, move your toothbrush in small, circular motions to reach any food stuck in your braces or under your gum line. Brush slowly and carefully, covering all areas between your teeth and braces. Don’t rush, take your time. It will take several minutes to brush thoroughly. When brushing, hold your toothbrush at an angle and brush up on the lower teeth and down on the upper teeth. Brush the outside, inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth. Brush your tongue as well. During treatment, you will need to brush your teeth at least 3 times a day to avoid any plaque build up: in the morning after breakfast, after any meal during the day and before bedtime.



To keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy during treatment, you need to floss daily! Flossing helps get the areas between the teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach. Flossing will take more time and patience with braces, but it is extremely important to floss every day! You will use the floss threaders provided by our office to floss under your archwire. We also can provide platypus flossing picks if needed. Use care around your archwire and do not floss too forcefully or put too much pressure on it. Pull a decent amount of floss from the dispenser through the floss threader, and then push the threader under the archwire. Now grab the floss on each end and slide it up and down the sides of each tooth, making sure to go under the gums. You will be able to feel when the tooth is clean and hear a squeak of the floss against your clean tooth.